Holy Choice

Welcome to the week of Christmas!  We have choices to make in the next few days.  What dishes to prepare, what to wear, who to visit, what time will we gather, did we buy the right gifts, do we have enough gifts for everyone?  We have choices galore.  Many of us are afforded choices we hardly notice.

The Christmas story is about choice also.  Joseph and Mary made a choice to believe.  The shepherds made a choice too, "Let's go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened." Luke 2:15  It strikes me this year that this God who sent his son to earth as a baby invented choice.

He chose to create.  He chose to love.  He chose an unexpected arrival into our world.  He chose to leave the perfect heavenly realm and come into our difficult world.  He chose to walk among us, to know our aches and pains. And he chose to offer us the choice to follow him.  Choice in essence is unconditional love.  It's a story of:  I love you and hope you will love and follow me for I have the best gifts to offer you.

But Christmas has a danger for us.  We can get lost in the tinsel, wrappings and food preparation.  But it's our choice to remember and seek the real meaning of a baby being born 2000 years ago.  It's our choice to realize that same baby is being born in me and you today.  Yes, He's arriving in us today and my choice is to open myself to the gift of His presence.  Often, it's hard for us to receive gifts and would rather be the gift giver but it's only in receiving that we are humbled, and a response is required.  What is your response?  Do you see him?  Do you feel the gentle nudge of 'let me love you.'

Let's open ourselves to receive.  Let's follow the example of the shepherds and go see this thing that has happened and what is still happening. He won't push in and demand your attention; He won't bully you or badger you.  Yet, He keeps offering His gift of life, of peace, of hope.  

There is a gift waiting just for you this Christmas. Take time and make the choice to open it.  Be aware on Christmas Day that He was born for you, into you, creating you, loving you, and choosing you.

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