Light In Her Words

In the last few weeks, I've been up early and exercising.  For me this is a huge accomplishment as early mornings and exercising are not on my favorites list.  My list would be something like mid-morning and pancakes...but I digress!  This morning Ray and I were leaving to walk at 5:30 a.m. with flashlight in hand as its pretty dark at this hour.  This morning as we were walking down the driveway the sky was brilliant with the light of the moon and one very bright star.  We commented on it and the beauty.  But soon put on our headphones and begin the 30 minute route.  As we walked, the streetlights gave us a lot of light and the flashlight was turned off.  But well into our walk it was still quite dark and I was very focused on my steps, my feet, curbs, newspapers, sidewalk bumps and the like.  It was important that I keep my eyes downcast to guard my steps.  I didn't want to fall or trip or in anyway hurt my body as I've had my share of broken arms, injured knees, feet and yes, I'm oh, so careful on dark mornings (and honestly, I was thinking 'Ray, turn on the flashlight!!').  I need to see.

I have a friend from China who sees clearly.  We've grown close through months of just being friends - sharing meals, sharing tea, attending English class, learning together in Bible study - just living life.  She arrived in Tuscaloosa with limited knowledge of God.  She's a scholar, she's a searcher and she recently became a Christ-follower.  And she's not looking down and trying to find her safe path but she's looking up!  Read her recent Facebook post about temples in China. (Use grace as you read and remember that English is her second language).
"These fabulous temples are located in several different cities of China. As you see, they are all very historical beautiful gorgeous standing in the most pretty places of the cities. People believes there is someone are blessing their life in somewhere.So they humbled their self and worshiped every temple when they met and heard in China. But they really confused about which temple is the real one who blessing them all the way. What they can do is stop by every single temple to appreciate and thank as well as donate in every way they can. They are eager to connect and approach to God in their deep soul, more like Jesus never let one go a wrong way. We pray for these who never have a chance to know God and HIS words. Praying God keep working on them and giving them the opportunity to have eternal life."
“No one lights a lamp and hides it in a clay jar or puts it under a bed. Instead, they put it on a stand, so that those who come in can see the light." Luke 8: 16-18 

I need to see up and out! I need to see a larger world,  I want to have eyes that see past my own feet.  I want to see past my own road. I want to see past my own hurts but so often I'm focused on my needs, my fear, my way of life.  But today in the darkness, I heard a whisper that nudged me to look up.  Look up to the bright sky.  Look up and see those around you.  Look up and away from your own life, your own pain, your own path.  You don't need others to turn on the flashlight for you.  The Light shines in you and through your pain!

And regarding those idols mentioned above, China is not the only country with idols.  What are our idols?  What do we look to that offers a false light and a temporary hope?  Is it our children?  Is it our grandchildren?  Are we living for them and their needs and happiness?  Is it a career?  Is it past success and social importance?  Maybe the message I heard this morning was to look deeply into my own light-needing life and truly SEE; then take that sight into the world of those truly hungry and searching.

Isn't this Light I crave above and beyond my little path?

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